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Make a gift today and you can help Fundación Cordillera Tropical make a positive conservation impact for mountain habitats and communities in the Ecuadorian Andes.

don_alejo$25: Help a local rancher

Your gift of $25 will allow our staff to visit a rancher and monitor the growth of forage trees, providing information on pruning and pest avoidance. Cattle can consume forage trees and planting them in pastures sequesters carbon and provides habitat corridors for birds and butterflies.

sembrando$50: Unleash your inner tree-hugger

Your gift of $50 will allow us to plant and fertilize 100 forage trees in impoverished pasture, which in turn will benefit small-scale cattle producers living alongside Sangay National Park.


becadas$100: Nudo del Azuay Scholarship Fund

Your gift of $100 will purchase books and transportation for a local student pursuing his/her high school or university education. Of the region's 4,000 residents, less than 10% have completed high school. Your support will train a new generation to confront the environmental challenges of the 21st century.

donoso$250: Educating future conservationists

Your gift of $250 will help send our Don Oso character to visit 10 schools in the Nudo del Azuay region. Don Oso provides science-based education in rural schools using games and hands-on activities that teach conservation to students, parents, and teachers.

oso$500: Amigo of the Andean Bear

Your gift of $500 will sustain our Andean bear camera trap project and help to cover the costs of field work, ongoing maintenance, and/or equipment replacement. Your support contributes toward the conservation of this endangered species.


$1000: Sustaining member

Those who make a gift of $1,000 or more (or whose recurring gifts total more than $1,000 in any fiscal year) sustain Fundación Cordillera Tropical's critical conservation work. Your name will be listed in our Annual Report and you are invited to enjoy two free nights lodging on the Mazar Wildlife Reserve.


Impact donation

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By supporting Fundación Cordillera Tropical, you'll help us achieve lasting results for mountains ecosystems and people. Thank you!

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