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Conduct research with Fundación Cordillera Tropical

A fundamental part of FCT's mission is to promote the study of tropical montane and páramo ecosystems, their flora and fauna, and how local people use and manage their natural resources. We welcome researchers who wish to study the 96,000 hectares of the Nudo del Azuay.

Guidelines for researchers

As a researcher, it is your responsibility to obtain the appropriate permits for conducting research in Ecuador from the Ministry of Environment. While working with FCT, we require that you conduct yourself in a professional manner, and ask that you acknowledge FCT in any publications stemming from your research. You are expected to provide us with copies of publications that result from your work, as well as species lists or other baseline data collected that will help future researchers. Finally, it is your responsibility to provide a copy of all information collected to rural stakeholders of your study area.

FCT maintains two field camps within the privately-owned Mazar Wildlife Reserve. For more detailed information on use of the reserve and these facilities, consult the following documents.

Mazar Wildlife Reserve General Information
Resource Guide-Jalogus Field Camp
Resource Guide-La Libertad Field Camp

Liability and insurance

Researchers that work with FCT are required to carry personal health and accident insurance that covers any injuries or illnesses sustained while in Ecuador. Conducting field work in the high-altitude, rugged Tropical Andes will require that you to be in good physical condition. Researchers should consult their local physician or travel health agency to obtain necessary or recommended vaccinations for travel and work abroad.


Researchers are in charge of securing transport to and from project sites, and must assume all travel costs, though FCT can provide you with a list of reliable drivers. There are no public buses or public transportation to/from sites.


Researchers are responsible for their own housing and living expenses in Ecuador. At the present time, we do not offer grants or other financial support for researchers.

Application Procedure

Scientists and students interested in conducting research with FCT should submit a letter of interest using our contact page. Please include the following information in your letter of interest: full name, title of proposed research and one-page abstract, CV, and arrival dates. 

While we will consider proposals on any relevant topic, we particularly encourage research which will aid us in making management decisions within the landscape. We encourage study of the Andean bear, tropical montane forest dynamics in primary and secondary forests, studies of avifauna, and the relationship between tropical montane forest conservation and water quality.   

FCT will contact you within 2 weeks of receiving your research application to discuss your project in further detail.


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